5 STAGES Training
with Laurie

October 12 (Thursday)
at 9:00 am

Class length
120 minutes

Online Studio

Movement medicine for your body and soul; a powerful self-healing practice, class experience and somatic training that is based on the blueprint of 5 natural developmental movements : embryonic, creeping, crawling, standing, walking. Revisiting these moves as an adult have the power to re-pattern, realign, self-heal, strengthen, restore and increase energy flow throughout the body. All session are recorded should you miss or want to revisit. 

The Nia 5 STAGES Somatic TRAINING series takes you into a deep dive of embodying the moves, philosophy, wisdom, somatic anatomy and tools of this experiential practice. A specialty program under the umbrella of the Nia Body + Life Trainings. This is a 7-week online course which includes meeting 2 hours LIVE (via Zoom) with at home practices, meditations, reading, classes and videos to enhance your embodiment. You will have access to the Nia Embody Portal, training replays and Laurie's 5 STAGES classes throughout. Your body will love it! 

For more details and registration information, CLICK HERE or contact [email protected] to schedule a time to connect.
7 Weekly Sessions beginningThursday, October 5 through November 16, 2023


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